Maharishi Dayananda Saraswati, founder of the Arya Samaj, was one of the greatest scholars of the modern Hinduism. Satyarth Prakash (The Light of Truth) is probably his most important work and one of the earliest works on comparative religions by a Hindu scholar. This book critiques the Puranic Hinduism, Christianity and Islam while arguing for the veracity of his understanding of the Vedic religion. Chapter 13, An examination of the doctrines of Christianity contains the critique of the Biblical faith in the form of 128 questions from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. Jerry Thomas answers those questions one by one and demonstrates the veracity of the Holy Bible- the Word of the Only True God.
Introduction to the Chapter by Maharishi
1. Genesis 1:1-2 – Did space exists always and is God of the Bible omnipresent?
2. Genesis 1:3-4- Can light hear? Is God Omniscient?
3. Genesis 1: 6- 8 – Can firmament and water hear? What does it mean to create heaven?
5. Genesis 2:7-9- Didn’t God knew that Adam would be ousted from Garden of Eden?
6. Genesis 2: 21-22- If Eve was created from Adam’s Rib, then why don’t men have one rib less?
7. Genesis 3: 1-7 & 14-8 – Why did God create serpent? Did God lie?
8. Genesis 3:22-24- Was God jealous of Adam and Eve?
9. Genesis 4:3-4 Why did God reject Cain’s sacrifice? Is God a flesh eater?
10. Genesis 4: 9-11 Why did God ask Cain about Abel? Isn’t He all-knowing?
11. Genesis 5: 22- How can God walk, if He is Spirit?
12. Genesis 6:1-7 who are the sons of God? Can God grieve?
13. Genesis 6:15, 18, & 19-22- Can the Ark carry all the animals and birds?
15. Genesis 9: 1-4 – How can God allow men to eat animals?
16. Genesis 11:1-4, 4-8 – Why did God punish people of Babel for building a tower?
17. Genesis 12: 11-13- If Abraham lied, how can he be a prophet?
18. Genesis 17: 9-14 – Is male circumcision an unnatural commandment?
19. Genesis 27: 22- Is God like a juggler?
20. Genesis 18: 2-8 – is God a savage to eat flesh?
21.Genesis 18: 13-14 – Did God taunt Sarah?
22.Genesis 19: 24-25 “Is God destitute of mercy in punishing the whole city of Sodom and Gomorrah?
23. Genesis 19: 32-34, 36 does Lot’s drunkenness prove that Christians approve drinking?
24. Genesis 21: 1-2 – How did Sarah conceive? Merely by the grace of God?
25. Genesis 21: 14-17 – Was God unjust in sending Hagar out of Abraham’s dwelling?
26. Genesis 22:1-2 – Was God not omniscient in testing Abraham regarding the sacrifice of Isaac?
27. Genesis 23: 6- is cremation scientific and burial injurious to health?
28. Genesis 24: 27 –Is God the God of Abraham alone? Does He speak to human beings now?
29. Genesis 25: 13-15 – Abraham’s son Ishmael.
30. Genesis 27: 9, 10, 15, 17, 19 – Jacob acted fraudulently and then posed as a great saint?
31. Genesis 28: 18, 19, 22- Jacob setting stone as pillar. Is it idol worship?
32. Genesis 30: 24, 30- Rachel being healed of barrenness. Is God a surgeon?
33. Genesis 31: 24, 30 – Does God still speak? Do Christians consider stones as gods?
36. Genesis 38: 7-10 Why did God slay Onan?
37. Exodus 1:11-14- Did Moses commit homicide and escape like an ordinary thief?
38. Exodus 12:21-23- Could not God rescue Israelites without blood on the doorposts?
39. Exodus 12: 29-30 Did God act like a burglar in executing all the first born of Egyptians?
40. Exodus 14: 14-16 – Why did God divide the sea? Why does not He do it again?
41.Exodus 20:5 – Is it just for God to visit the iniquity of the fathers upon children?
42. Exodus 20: 9-11 – If God blessed the seventh day, did He curse the other six days?
44. Exodus 31: 17-18 – Was Prophet Moses sensual in allowing the virgin women to be kept alive?
45. Exodus 21:12-13- if a murderer has to be put to death, why was Prophet Moses exempted?
47. Exodus 33: 20-23- Does God have a body like man? Did He play tricks with Moses?
48. Leviticus 1: 1-2 – Does animal sacrifices contradict the tender hearted nature of God?
49. Leviticus 1:5-9 – Does animal sacrifices prove that Bible is not the word of God?
51. Leviticus 4: 22-24 if sacrifices are atonement for sin, why will the men fear to sin?
52. Leviticus 5: 7, 8, 10, 11, 13- if animal sacrifices are sufficient for the atonement of sin, why should there be forgiveness of sin through faith in Christ?
53. Leviticus 7: 8, 9 – Did God of the Bible trick people in sacrifices to get all animal and birds?
55. 2 Samuel 7- Did God complain that He never had a house? Does He rest in a house?
57. 1 Chronicles 21: 14- Did God act in fits of rage to destroy 70, 000 Israelites?
59. Ecclesiastes 1: 17-18- Does knowledge increase sorrow?
61. Matthew 4: 1-3 – Why was Jesus tempted by Satan?
65. Matthew 6: 11, 19- is the Lord’s prayer for daily bread, a prayer of poor savages?
66. Matthew 7: 21- Should Christians stop calling Jesus Christ as Lord?
67. Matthew 7: 22-23- Is LORD Jesus Christ pretending to be the Judge on the Day of Judgment?
69. Matthew 8: 28-23 – Why cannot LORD Jesus Christ purify the impure spirits?
70. Matthew 9:2, 13 – How can LORD Jesus Christ bear the sin of others?
, 34-36- Can ordinary disciples do miracles? Can God’s Spirit speak through those ordinary mortals? Did Jesus Christ create strife and dissension?
72. Matthew 15: 34-39 – Is feeding the four thousand with seven loaves trickery?
78. Matthew 21:18-19- Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
79. Matthew 24: 29- How will the stars fall?
80. Matthew 24: 35- How will the heavens pass away?
89. Mark 6: 3- How can Jesus Christ, a carpenter, claim to be the son of God?
90. Luke 18: 19- Did Jesus deny being God when He said that there is none good except God?
92. John 1: 1-4 “How can the Word exist without the Speaker? How can Word be God?
93. John 13: 27- if man can tempt himself, why should devil tempt man?
94. John 14: 4, 6-7 How can LORD Jesus Christ claim to the only way to God?
95. John 14: 12- if Christians can do greater works than Christ, then why can’t they raise the dead?
96. John 17: 3- if Father is the Only True God, how can Father, Son and Holy Spirit be God?
Introduction to the Revelation and Figurative Language of Prophetical Writings
100. Revelation 5: 8- Is burning incense to LORD Jesus Christ equivalent to idol worship?
101. Revelation 6:1-8 How could horses and riders be contained in the seals of a book?
102. Revelation 6:10, 11- Why don’t God implement justice immediately? Why should people wait?
103. Revelation 6: 13-14 – How can stars of heaven fall?
108. Revelation 9:1-5 – How can stars fall down?
109. Revelation 9:16- how can two hundred thousand thousand horses live in heaven?
110. Revelation 10: 1-3 – Is this more fanciful than the stories of Puranas?
111. Revelation 11:1- Is it absurd to teach that there is a temple in the heaven?
112. Revelation 11: 19 – Can there even be a temple for God?
113. Revelation 12: 1-4 What are these stars?
114. Revelation 12: 7- Can there be war at heaven?
115. Revelation 12:9- Why did not God imprison Satan immediately? Was God helpless?
116. Revelation 12: 12- Why is God not protecting people from Satan?
117. Revelation 13:5, 6, 7- Who gave authority to beast?
118. Revelation 14: 1- Are there only 144,000 inhabitants in the heaven?
120. Revelation 14:19, 20- how can the blood flow for a thousand and six hundred furlongs?
121. Revelation 15: 5- If God is All-knowing, why did He need the testimony to be opened?
122. Revelation 18: 5-6 – Is it just on the part of God to punish double for the wicked acts?
125. Revelation 20: 11, 12- How can heaven and earth fly away? Why does God need to open the books?
127. Revelation 22: 3-5- will the Lamb always sit? Will the believers always look at His face?