On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 10:06 PM, SAN (INDIA) <[email protected]> wrote:
Oct 3, 2012

Let the name of Yahweh, the only true name of God upon which all the true prophets have called, who in flesh was known by the name Lord Jesus Christ be glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Dear Mr. Abu Backer,

We are in receipt of your mail dated August 30 as well as the PDF in which Captain Ameerudeen of Islam tried his best to refute Bro. Venkatesh’s speech.

We have attached a thorough and scholarly refutation by Bro. Venkatesh to Captain Ameerudeen’s refutation attempts. Please pass it on to Captian Ameerudeen and we are expecting a meaningful response.

We will be shortly publishing these correspondence in our website www.sakshitimes.net as well in other similar Christian websites.

Also, please copy [email protected] for all correspondence, who is copied in the cc as well.



Letter to Captain Ameerudeen 03-10-12

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 5:58 PM, AB Siddique <[email protected]> wrote:


Chennai -05

Dear SAN ,

I’m writing you this email in order to forward this letter attached as
pdf. This letter is to be forwarded to Mr. Venkatesan of your Team.
Please pass unto him. Hoping for your reply. Since we do not have your
contact info to send by post we are reaching through here.

This is a rebuttal from Captain Ameerudeen of Islam invites to Mr.
Venkatesan , Coimbatore.

With regards ,

Abu Backer.


Letter to SAN by Captain Ameerudeen




To read it in Tamil, please visit:
