Date: Mon, May 1, 2017 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Invitation for a Debate on the Holy Bible and Vedas, and Historicity and Divinity of Lord Jesus Christ and Sri Krishna
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
To Agniveer
Subject: Invitation for a Debate on the Holy Bible and Vedas, and Historicity and Divinity of Lord Jesus Christ and Sri Krishna
Dear Friends at Agniveer,
Greetings from Sakshi Apologetics Network, an Indian Christian apologetics network involved in cordial educational dialogs and debates with different religious and secular scholars. As an illustration, in the past, we have had many educational exchanges with Muslims on several cardinal subjects relating to Christianity and Islam in different parts of India. Those programs have proved to be hugely beneficial in developing scientific temper in religious matters for a large section of people, across religions.
With this background, when certain of our friends came across an article titled “Christianity or Krishnanity”, published on December 25, 2016 in your website , they forwarded it to us for an objective assessment and a scholarly critique. While the allegations against our blessed Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible are offensive and serious, we found it to be unsubstantiated and without justification. It also seems to us that you were compelled by certain comments of your readers to provide the actual source of your article as P. N. Oak.
We consider that these matters of Christianity and Hinduism are best debated in a cordial and formal way at a mutually agreeable format, date and venue.
Moreover, we note that you consider yourself as a true representative of the legacy of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who was a debater.
On February 12, 2017, in your email campaign (sent from [email protected]) with the subject line ‘Swami Dayanand Saraswati – the legend’, you stated:
“In typical Dayanand style, Agniveer can assertively claim that today, Agniveer represents the true legacy of Dayanand in completeness. Everyone who differs is a hoax stifled with mimicry, dogmatism, low IQ, lack of Brahmacharya, lack of study of Vedas, lack of Yogic practice, or inability to see the big picture.
If you indeed love Dayanand, do not waste time in Arya Samaj and Arya Sabhas organizing Melas, Julus, and eating golgappas in Rishi Langar. Join Agniveer and do what matters today.
Indram Vardhanto Apturah Krinvanto Vishwamaryam Apaghnanto Aravnah (Rig Veda) (Make yourself strong, spread goodness in entire world, and destroy every rascal who has a problem with it.)”
While we disagree with Swami Dayanand Saraswati on several matters and agree with him on a few (e.g. his rejection of Hatha Yoga texts as unscientific), we acknowledge him as a debater who at times initiated debates with his opponents. In the same spirit, while we strongly disagree with you on several matters, we are confident that you will accept our invite for an indoor or public recorded English debate(s) on the following topics:
(1) The Holy Bible or The Vedas – Which is the True Divine Revelation?
(2) Lord Jesus Christ or Sri Krishna – Historicity and Divinity
You can definitely suggest more topics which are of equal importance to Hinduism and Christianity and we will definitely consider.
We reiterate that we are confidently inviting you for a debate as you claim to be a true successor of Swami Dayanand Saraswati who loved to debate (and not of P N Oak). We are sure you will accept this invitation and come forward to debate(s). Therefore, please let us know when you (or your team members) and our team members can meet to discuss a mutually convenient date (usually our calendars are fixed 3-4 months in advance), venue and other formalities for these debates.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
For Sakshi Apologetics Network
Finny Varghese
From: Vashi Agniveer
Date: Wed, May 3, 2017 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: Invitation for a Debate on the Holy Bible and Vedas, and Historicity and Divinity of Lord Jesus Christ and Sri Krishna
Cc: Agniveer
Dear Sister
1. If you want to come to us as a sister comes to her brothers, we will give your anything you want. We will even accept whatever you want us to even without debate just to make you feel happy. Because in our Hindu culture, Sisters are not debated. They are pampered and protected.
This ends the debate with you. Below answer is for those fanatics who brainwash innocents like you to fight your own people.
2. We don’t care what Christian fanatics did with Muslims earlier. We even don’t care what they did in history to spread Christianity. Basically, we don’t give a damn to what bloodthirsty Crusaders and Jihadis did to each other.
3. They want us to help develop scientific temper? Do they know who they are talking to? I am an energy scientist, an ex-IITian who was awarded INSPIRE Faculty Award by Government of India for conducting pathbreaking research in Science at the age when Missionaries are still learning techniques whether this is better to fool Hindus to convert
4. Lord Krishna article was in response to the lies of Missionaries being spread across India to fool gullible tribal masses (check above images). They shouldn’t cry when others make them taste their own medicine.
5. Hath Yoga? In front of stories of incest, Adam, Eve, apple and oranges, even Hath Yoga appears to be a peer reviewed Scientific Journal.
6. Debate on Christianity? Why should a scientific person like me waste his time asking fools why did their God start this world with filth like incest? If Adam and Eve were the only humans at inception, how did their 3rd generation come? Children of incest should not talk much in civilised gathering. It will bring them embarrassment only. Don’t fall for them.
7. In the end, would just say this. Only fools waste their time debating peaceful people without realising the real threat. Has any Hindu ever harmed you or Christians in world ever? Now find out how many Christians are beheaded by Jihadis every day in different parts of the world. It is Zero vs Lacs. What should a sane person do then? A normal person would immediately prioritise and fight common enemy first instead of weakening each other so that the real violent enemy doesn’t take over.
Its not that wise and fool do some different things in life. Only difference is former knows when to do what. Latter lacks the faculties of reason and logic and gets destroyed one day.
Hope that helps.
Love from Brother
Date: Fri, May 5, 2017 at 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: Invitation for a Debate on the Holy Bible and Vedas, and Historicity and Divinity of Lord Jesus Christ and Sri Krishna
To: Vashi Agniveer
Cc: Agniveer
Dear Vashi Thambi,
We have received your email dated May 3, 2016 and read it with a lot of amusement. Your mail confirms that you are a true successor of P N Oak, who is considered as a crackpot within academic circles (Bryant, Edwin. The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate (p. 4). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition).
In fact, you should be a case study on what went wrong with our Indian education system. Despite having a degree from IIT (as you claim) and parading it endlessly in subject areas where it has no relevance, you write “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY” and not as a scholar who can engage in debates. Initially, when we saw your disclaimer in your website “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY” (screenshot provided below), we thought it could be an oversight. However, after reading your email, we understand that it was your honest confession.
Despite you explicitly stating that you are FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY, we are writing this email with the hope to school you, which even IITs couldn’t do for you. Whenever you change your disclaimer, we will consider that as the success of our mission in schooling you.
As part of our mission to school you, let us point out a few blunders in your email.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer: 1. If you want to come to us as a sister comes to her brothers, we will give your anything you want. We will even accept whatever you want us to even without debate just to make you feel happy. Because in our Hindu culture, Sisters are not debated. They are pampered and protected. This ends the debate with you.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
(a) It is not scientific to jump to a conclusion about the gender of the person who is emailing you. Sakshi in this context, is the name of an apologetics network, and Finny Varghese is the name of a male. When in doubt, always ask. Don’t assume and jump to a conclusion. Please heed to this instruction at all times.
(b) Without concrete evidence, do not speak about Hindu culture.
If one goes through your Vedas, which are eternal visions for you, one can see numerous passages on how they treated sisters:
Rig Veda 6.55.4 Pushan, who driveth goats for steeds, the strong and Mighty, who is called His Sister’s lover, will we laud.
In fact, your great sage Manu, having an in depth understanding of Hindu Vedas and culture, wrote this:
Manusmriti 2: 213-215 “ It is the nature of women to seduce men in this world; for that reason the wise are never unguarded in the company of females. For women are able to lead astray in this world not only a fool but even a learned man, and (to make) him a slave of desire and anger. ONE SHOULD NOT SIT IN A LONELY PLACE WITH ONE’S MOTHER, SISTER OR DAUGHTER; FOR THE SENSES ARE POWERFUL AND MASTER EVEN A LEARNED MAN.”
If you have any doubt about how Hindu culture treats sisters or the translation of above, you can ask us. We will surely give ten more textual evidences and possibly different translations with commentaries.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer: 2. We don’t care what Christian fanatics did with Muslims earlier. We even don’t care what they did in history to spread Christianity. Basically, we don’t give a damn to what bloodthirsty Crusaders and Jihadis did to each other.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
(a) Since you are doing email campaigns to raise INR 1.5 crores from 15 people, it could serve you well to learn a bit more religious history, if you ever hope to confront Christian missionaries intellectually. To teach you, ever since the Christian gospel was first preached in India, Hindus had to dramatically to change their gods, cook their books to even face the intellectual onslaught of the Christian gospel!
(b) A more recent example, would be on how the Vedas lost its status as pramāna when Christian missionaries exposed it.
In his article on the Traditional Roots of Difference, Anantanand Rambachan writes
“In the Limits of Scripture, I trace the circumstances in the Brahmo Samaj, in the late nineteenth century, when there was discomfort and embarrassment over the traditional authority of the Veda in debates with Christian missionaries. This led to its formal rejection and replacement with intuition. The idea of personal experience as an immediate source of religious knowledge rose to prominence and became a leading idea of the period and a dominant motif of contemporary Hinduism. Personal experience was championed as sacrosanct and unquestionable. Unitarian Christian thinkers like William Channing and Theodore Parker influenced also its formulation. Swami Vivekananda inherited the skepticism and mistrust of scriptural authority championed by Brahmo Samaj leaders and contributed to re-casting Hindu epistemology on the model of his understanding of scientific inquiry. In doing so, Vivekananda himself offers an alternative to the more traditional understanding of Vedānta epistemology based on the centrality of the Upaniṣad pramāṇa. He does not offer, therefore, any detailed treatment of the Veda as a pramāṇa in his writings. The term is never employed directly by him, except on the one occasion of his commentary on the Yoga-sūtras of Patañjali. Aurobindo, the Indian thinker most profusely quoted by Malhotra, was deeply influenced by Vivekananda. He read Vivekananda extensively and reflects also the centrality of personal experience in his epistemology.” (Emphasis mine)
If you knew how Christian missionaries intellectually defeated Hindu thinkers, you wouldn’t be babbling as you do now.
(c) This “crusade” red herring doesn’t work when your own house is in shambles when it comes to human rights and dignity. You say you want to read about this from history. Here for your pleasurable reading from Babasaheb Amebdkar quoting your sage Manu:
VIII. 417. A Brahman may seize without hesitation, if he be in distress for his subsistence, the goods of his Shudra. The Shudra can have only one occupation. This is one of the inexorable laws of Manu. Says Manu:
I. 91. One occupation only, the Lord prescribed to the Shudra, to serve meekly these other three castes (namely Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya).
X. 121. If a Shudra, (unable to subsist by serving Brahmana), seeks a livelihood, he may also seek to maintain himself by attending on a wealthy Vaishya.
X. 122. But let a (Shudra) serve Brahmans, either for the sake of heaven, or with a view to both (this life and the next) for he who is called the servant of a Brahman thereby gains all his ends.
X. 123. The service of Brahmans alone is declared (to be) an excellent occupation for a Shudra for whatever else besides this he may perform will bear him no fruit.
Service by Shudra is not left by Manu to be regulated as a free contract. If the Shudra refused to serve, there is a provision for conscription which runs as follows:
VIII. 413. A Brahmana may compel a Shudra, whether bought or unbought, to do servile work for he is created by the creator to be the slave of a Brahmana.
X. 124. They must allot to him out of their own family (property) a suitable maintenance, after considering his ability, his industry, and
X. 125. The remnants of their food must be given to him as well as their old household furniture.
A Shudra is required by Manu to be servile in his speech and manner towards the other classes.
VIII. 270. A Shudra who insults a twice born man with gross invectives shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin.
VIII. 271. If he mentions the names and castes of the (twice born) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long, shall be thrust red hot into his mouth.
Manu is not satisfied with this. He wants this servile status of the Shudra to be expressed in the names and surnames of persons belonging to that community. Manu says:
II. 31. Let the first part of a Brahman’s name denote something auspicious, a Kshatriya’s be connected with power, and a Vaishya’s with wealth but a Shudra’s express something contemptible.
II. 32. The second part of a Brahmin’s name shall be a word implying happiness, of a Kshatriya’s (a word) implying protection, of a Vaishya’s a term expressive of thriving and of a Shudra’s an expression denoting service.”
When your house is built on such garbage, it is you better take care of yourself than even trying to raise any issues with others. Are you aware of the slaughter between the Shaivaks and the Vaishnavs in order to establish their god as supreme?
With reference to the crusades, since I don’t want to commit the “tu quoque” fallacy (please do look it up), I have answered these objections / statements / queries. I’d suggest you to do some research before regurgitating pop-media nonsense.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer: 3. They want us to help develop scientific temper? Do they know who they are talking to? I am an energy scientist, an ex-IITian who was awarded INSPIRE Faculty Award by Government of India for conducting pathbreaking research in Science at the age when Missionaries are still learning techniques whether this is better to fool Hindus to convert
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
(a) Your graduation or so-called expertise in energy has nothing to do with scientific temper in inter-religious matters, just as much as a doctor will not boast about his expertise and scientific observation if the task is to fly an aero plane. For that, one needs to be a pilot. Unless, the doctor is FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY, no one will boast about his expertise when it comes to a totally different field.
(b) We must admit that true to your disclaimer (see the image above) you have proved yourself as “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY” by making this claim. Soon, in Vashi from Agniveer, we might have a true successor to Kapil Sharma, the comedian.
(c) When it comes to inter-religious debates, what is your qualification? Have you done even one worthy debate with any debaters? None. Zero. Please look at your initial articles on Islam – even the most childish website on the internet for debunking Islam has more well researched content than you do. As a matter of fact, one of our team members even wrote to you to get some basics, by referring to our website. On one of your “hallmark” articles on “beef eating”, one of our team members had debated you in the comments section – and in the end, you ran away after losing much respect from the readers! In fact, one of the readers even referred to your poorly researched article as “the rantings of a horny college kid”. Since this has been the observable level of your intellect, dear Vashi thambi, I’d suggest you to please not parade it in the self-elation that you maintain at all times.
(d) While we don’t agree with any paganism entering the Holy Christian faith, before you blame Christian missionaries, you must examine how the Hindus tricked innocent dalits and tribals and imposed their hegemony on them. Secondly, I am not sure whether these images are true or whether it is an outcome of the PR machinery of the RSS.
(e) Further, there are certain things which any Indian can claim as part of their culture (like a saffron cloth). You may not be aware that before Hari Vamasa was written (or Mahabharata was completed), before Bhagavatam was composed, before any of your great gurus such as Adi Shakraacyarya, Ramanuja or Madhavachyarya were born, Lord Jesus Christ was worshipped in India as the only True God!
(f) You mentioned “awarded INSPIRE Faculty Award by Government of India for conducting pathbreaking research in Science at the age when Missionaries are still learning techniques whether this is better to fool Hindus to convert.” Vashi thambi, the scientific revolution was singlehandedly birthed by Christians in an era when Hindus in India were burning women (sati), enjoying beef and pouring molten metal in the ears of Dalits. Sir Issac Newton discovered Calculus in an age when your “Peer Reviewed Journals” of Hatha Yoga and “Yoga Scientists” were experimenting Vajorli and Amaroli Mudras!!! Your statements are nothing but silly non-sequitor self propaganda rhetoric (please look it up).
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer 4. Lord Krishna article was in response to the lies of Missionaries being spread across India to fool gullible tribal masses (check above images). They shouldn’t cry when others make them taste their own medicine.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
(a) Continuing with our earlier observation on how Hindus thorough trickery has hegemonized tribals and dalits, you can probably begin with Krishna, who mostly was considered an Asura in the Rig Veda – and later was converted to a god!
(b) This statement of yours proves the moral bankruptcy of your philosophy. Assuming that what you say about the missionaries is true, your actions still do not justify your lies. Or, is it that being a true follower of Krishna you are following his teachings, since he taught you to tell lies to defend yourself (telling lies to Dronaachyara to defeat him)? Or, are you merely a brainwashed individual following such tricks? Case and point will be that you initially copy-pasted that article from crackpot P N Oak, and when some of your own readers caught you red-handed, you were forced to give credit to that crackpot P N Oak.
Now, when you are cornered by us, you are now cooking up a context to your article. Is this how you passed IIT? This “copy-paste” attitude of intellectual laziness is again showcased very sharply in your article on beef eating where you repeated Govt sponsored nonsense of banning of cow slaughter even though cow slaughter was banned decades back… but then you recanted, albeit reluctantly, when pointed out by the brother who debated with you online in the comments section.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer 5. Hath Yoga? In front of stories of incest, Adam, Eve, apple and oranges, even Hath Yoga appears to be a peer reviewed Scientific Journal.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
Since you mentioned “Scientific”, perhaps when you grow up (if ever), you can think of debating with us on science in the Holy Bible and science in the Hindu Scriptures. In order to educate you, I am not saying that scriptures are meant to be “scientific journals” but whatever scientific assertions the scriptures make, they have to be scientifically accurate.
(a) Probably, you have no clue of what Hatha Yoga is, to be babbling like this. Just for your pleasurable reading, we quote the below:
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chapter 3 – On Mudras – Vajorli
Even if one who lives a wayward life, without observing any rules of Yoga, but performs Vajrolî, deserves success and is a Yogî.
Two things are necessary for this, and these are difficult to get for the ordinary people—(1) milk and (2) a woman behaving, as desired.
By practising to draw in the bindu, discharged during cohabitation, whether one be a man or a woman, one obtains success in the practice of Vajrolî.
By means of a pipe, one should blow air slowly into the passage in the male organ.
By practice, the discharged bindu is drawn out. One can draw back and preserve one’s own discharged bindu.
The Yogî who can protect his bindu thus, overcomes death; because death comes by discharging bindu, and life is prolonged by its preservation.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chapter 3 – On Mudras –Amaroli
The bindu discharged in the practice of Vajrolî should be mixed with ashes, and the rubbing it on the best parts of the body gives divine sight. If, a woman, making herself expert through sufficient practice, draws up the semen of man and preserves her own through (the practice of) Vajroli, she also becomes a Yogini. Without any doubt, even the least part of her seminal fluid is not lost. In her body, Nada becomes the bindu itself.
Vashi Thambi, is this the type of research that got you the so-called award ??
(b) Truly, the above verbatim quotes from Hatha Yoga Pradipika can be considered as “a peer reviewed Scientific Journal” if you are Vashi thambi from Agniveer and your purpose of writing is “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY”.
(c) As for the other rants of yours, please read our observations for your next point.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer 6. Debate on Christianity? Why should a scientific person like me waste his time asking fools why did their God start this world with filth like incest? If Adam and Eve were the only humans at inception, how did their 3rd generation come? Children of incest should not talk much in civilised gathering. It will bring them embarrassment only. Don’t fall for them.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
(a) While our current mission is to school you and raise your standards, (which obviously IIT couldn’t do), do not expect us to spoon-feed. We have already covered why only Adam and Eve etc in the following videos. It will be of great education to you. Watch it. Don’t miss:
Part 1:
English Version:
Hindi Version:
Part 2:
English Version:
Hindi Version:
(b) Now coming to “Children of incest should not talk much in civilised gathering”, then why are you yourself speaking? Your gods are known for incest and lusty behavior.
Rig Veda 1.121.2 – As a buffalo (Indra) desired the lusty female born from himself; the mena of the horse he made into the mother of the cow”
Mahabharata 1: 16-17 Vishnu took on an enchanting [mohini] illusion, the marvellous body of a woman, and he went to the anti-gods. As their minds were bewitched and their hearts set on her, they gave the ambrosia to him in his female form. The goddess who was made of the illusion created by Vishnu gave the ambrosia to the gods but not to the anti-gods. A fight broke out, and Vishnu gave up his incomparable female form and attacked the anti-gods.
Rig Veda 10.61.5-7 “(Rudra), the benefactor of man, whose eager virile energy was developed, drew it back when disseminated (for the generation of offspring)again the irresistible (Rudra) concentrates (the energy) which was communicated to his maiden daughter. When the deed was done in mid-heaven in the proximity of the father working his will, and the daughter coming together, they let the seed fall slightly; it was poured upon the high place of sacrifice. When the father united with the daughter, then associating with the earth, he sprinkled it with the effusion[Semen]: then the thoughtful gods begot Brahma : they fabricated the lord of the hearth (of sacrifice) ; the defender of sacred rites.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3 ”He was not at all happy. Therefore people (still) are not happy when alone. He desired a mate. He became as big as man and wife embracing each other. He parted this very body into two. From that came husband and wife. Therefore, said Yajnavalkya, this (body) is one-half of oneself, like one of the two halves of a split pea. Therefore this space is indeed filled by the wife. He was united with her. From that men were born.
Shankara Bhasya on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3: ‘’He, the Viraj called Manu, was united with her, his daughter called Satarupa, whom he conceived of as his wife. From that union men were born.
Or do you not know about how your queens slept with horses as a prescribed ritual?
Harivamsa Purana, Bhavishya Parva 3.5.11-13,- After the passage of some time, king janamejaya, who offers plenty of tributes (in sacrifices) observed the horse sacrifice as ordained. Devi Vapushtama, the daughter of the king of Kashi, went and slept with the slain horse, according to the ritual as prescribed. Seeing the queen with beautiful limbs, Vsava (Indra) desired her. Entering the body of the dead horse, Indra had intercourse with the queen.
Translators have been filled with shame when they read such “ordinances” and avoided translating such passages in the Black and White Yajur Vedas!!!
If you need another 100 passages from your sacred literature to know your colorful genealogy, we will be happy share, if you wish.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer 7. In the end, would just say this. Only fools waste their time debating peaceful people without realising the real threat. Has any Hindu ever harmed you or Christians in world ever? Now find out how many Christians are beheaded by Jihadis every day in different parts of the world. It is Zero vs Lacs. What should a sane person do then? A normal person would immediately prioritise and fight common enemy first instead of weakening each other so that the real violent enemy doesn’t take over. Its not that wise and fool do some different things in life. Only difference is former knows when to do what. Latter lacks the faculties of reason and logic and gets destroyed one day.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Below are our observations, please read carefully and educate yourself.
(a) Probably the most insane statement in your email would be “Has any Hindu ever harmed you or Christians in world ever?” Have you forgotten Kandhamal where orphans were raped and burnt alive by marauding Hindutva warriors who blamed the Christians for killing their leader even though the Maoists had taken the blame for it? Was the key reason not that the meek Christians following the example of Christ wouldn’t retaliate by bursting bombs or killing innocents? Do I need to give you more examples of churches burnt and Christians killed by Hindu fanatics, just because they won’t retaliate?
(a) What Hindus did (which historically and to a great extend currently, is barbaric), or Islam did or does is immaterial in deciding whether to debate or not.
(b) When Adi Sankara debated with Mandana Misra, was it because Mandana Misra’s followers were beheading the followers of Adi Sankara?
(c) Debate is for grownups and civilized people. Of course, if you are “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY”, debate is not meant for you. In fact, debate is an approach even adopted by democratic parliaments. Had you studied at a proper research institute (not merely a premier degree college); perhaps you would have realized the value of debate and discussions.
(d) As far as intellectually defending Christianity is concerned, we don’t need support of anyone. Lions don’t need support from jackals and foxes.
(e) However, for promoting shared human rights and values such as freedom of speech, (which the saffron-sharia crowd may not understand), we do join hands with anyone who shares our values (for example, we did it with atheists in Kerala in conducting joint programs as well). That doesn’t mean we will not refute them or we will not debate with them. They and we understand that. It is common sense. But, then again, we have found the atheists to be much more reasonable and intellect driven than those who consider “Hatha Yoga” as a scientific miracle.
(f) In fact, the purpose of we responding to your rants is to elevate your standard so that you too reach a standard where you can debate and still join for a common cause.
Vashi Thambi of Agniveer 7: Hope that helps.
Sakshi Apologetics Network: Please read carefully our note and educate yourself.
We will consider ourselves as successful in educating you the day you change your disclaimer- “FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY”. We will be closely monitoring your website to know if we are successful – and once we are, we will announce it on our website as well as a matter of joy of seeing our little brother (thambi) graduating from ignorance to some level of knowledge.
If you have any further misconceptions or doubts, write to us and we will be happy to educate you further.
Take care, thambi.
G A Paul