The Christian Position On The Offense Of Sodomy

The Christian Position On The Offense Of Sodomy

It is our purpose to vindicate at the outset, the Christian position on the sin of sodomy, as necessitated afresh by two unfortunate, but quite significant developments in the modern world.  One primary development is the widespread notion that the western lifestyle is a reflection if not a representation of the Christian Culture.  Many are unwilling to even consider the possibility of the latter being a misnomer to refer to the former, chiefly on account of their unshakable prejudice against the path of the Gospel.  And since many western countries are submerged under the sin of sodomy, legalizing gay marriages, and overtly justifying their folly, many anti-christian elements have taken undue liberty to ascribe such a degeneracy to some moral deficiency in the Bible itself, as fancied by their pernicious imaginations, merely on the basis that these nations have a Christian identity writes G Bibu.

Brief Introduction:

Sodomy is an expression which refers to the abomination committed by the inhabitants of Sodom, (a city of ancient Palestine), which was destroyed by God Almighty, for the most grievous perversions they practiced, during the days of Abraham the patriarch.  Their chief sin consisted in  copulation between persons of the same sex, and also between a person of either sex and a beast (Bestiality).  The sin of this nature therefore came to be known as “sodomy”, after the name of the city, which to its eternal shame and doom, pioneered in to this great folly and wickedness.  It is needless to say that a subject such as this, has a great degree of embarrassment inherent in itself, but it is not immodest to speak in denunciation of any sin or of its practitioners, howsoever grievous the sin itself may be.  The sin of sodomy is so rampant in the world today, and so widely is this shameful deed known every where, that there is absolutely no necessity to elaborate as to what it is, and we shall therefore advance on to explain the purpose of our discussion thereon, in some detail.


It is our purpose to vindicate at the outset, the Christian position on the sin of sodomy, as necessitated afresh by two unfortunate, but quite significant developments in the modern world.  One primary development is the widespread notion that the western lifestyle is a reflection if not a representation of the Christian Culture.  Many are unwilling to even consider the possibility of the latter being a misnomer to refer to the former, chiefly on account of their unshakable prejudice against the path of the Gospel.  And since many western countries are submerged under the sin of sodomy, legalizing gay marriages, and overtly justifying their folly, many anti-christian elements have taken undue liberty to ascribe such a degeneracy to some moral deficiency in the Bible itself, as fancied by their pernicious imaginations, merely on the basis that these nations have a Christian identity.  Ahmed Deedat, in his prominent critique against the Bible, has charged Christianity with giving rise to homosexuality and gay marriages (Is The Bible God’s Word-P.47), to cite just one among many such instances.  While there is no ground upon which to absolve the guilt of those nations, which have thus occasioned blasphemy against the Lord’s name among his enemies, there is no justification whatsoever, to the imputation made against Christianity as being responsible for the very practices, which are so unequivocally denounced by its Scriptures.  (More on this later). 

The second factor that demands a clarification of the Christian position on the subject is a challenge, more from within the church than from the world.  For also of our own selves have men arisen, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them, and many have followed their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth is being evil spoken of.  There is of-late within the church, a disgraceful and a dangerous group of people, who not only  practice sodomy and solemnize gay-marriages in their churches, but also justify their wickedness by twisting certain passages of the Bible, reading sodomy in to the text of the holy writ.  It is no big task for an unbiased student of the Bible to belie their conjectures by applying a fair exegetical treatment to the passages cited by them, as done in this article.  (More in its appropriate place).  It would suffice here to mention, that the two factors herein shown demands a clarification of the Christian position on the offense of sodomy, and we purpose to meet these two challenges respectively in what follows, by clearly stating the Biblical position thereon, which should suffice to answer the first predicament, and next to deal with a couple of instances in the Bible which are misrepresented as indicating sodomy, which should serve to discomfit all the allied calumnies against Christianity, and thereby crack the second quagmire.  Finally, we shall make a few observation on the contributions, which Christianity has made to the world in dealing with the sin of sodomy.


Those intending to form an opinion on the Christian position as touching any matter, must do so by reading from the Bible, and not by reading in to the Bible what some one does.  What is to be understood here is that Christianity is the religion of a book.  What that book declares is the position once for all settled on all aspects of the Christian faith.  Christianity is not an evolving faith upon the practices adopted by its pretended adherents from time to time.  Therefore the western culture or any other culture cannot be the representative of the Christian lifestyle, howsoever Christian it may claim to be, unless there is a complete and unreserved adherence to the precepts of the Bible.  Christians do not make Christianity, but Christianity makes Christians.  Thus the Bible is the ultimate authority to decide the Christian position on the offense of Sodomy, as on any other matter.  The Bible is clear and unambiguous in its stand against the sin of sodomy as may be understood from the following observations from its pages:

1.  God at the very inception of this detestable deed, had made known His mind so loudly and clearly, by means of the drastic and deterrent judgement which He executed against the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were the first among the habitations of men to be defiled by this abomination (Genesis 19, 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 7).  The rain of fire and brimstone left these cities in utter ruins, never to be fit for human habitation again.  And what’s more, this was but a temporal judgement upon the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and it is not yet over with for them, but are yet reserved for the final judgement for their eternal doom (Matthew 10:15).  The God of the Bible is of one mind, and His standards are immutable like Himself.  His hatred for sodomy did not arise spontaneously at this instance, but He hates it from eternity to eternity And with Him is no variableness nor shadow of turning (James 1:17).  Therefore, the God of the Bible still hates sodomy, and threatens His fierce judgement against those practicing it.

2.  When the Law was promulgated at Sinai, the first ever to be given to man in writing, the

Lord God expressly declared Sodomy to be an offense punishable by death (Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 18:22-30, Leviticus 20:13-16, Deuteronomy 23:17, &Deuteronomy 27:21).

3.  Despite sodomy being a capital offense under the Law, there were Sodomites in the land of Israel (1 Kings 14:24), and under every true reformation, the God fearing kings who took the lead in sanctifying Israel afresh unto the Lord, ensured to flush out the sodomites from the land (1 Kings 15:12, 1 Kings 22:46 &2 Kings 23:7), for which among other things, the Scripture bears them record that they were upright before God (1 Kings 15:11, 1 Kings 22:43 &2 Kings 22:2).

4.  God ever consistent with Himself, has maintained the same standard of holiness in the new testament also, as touching sodomy, as in any other matter.  The wrath of God is threatened against those committing various kinds of ungodly deeds in Romans 1:18-32, and among them, the lesbians and homosexuals are expressly and predominantly mentioned (verses 26-28).  Also, the New testament warns in unambiguous language that those practicing sodomy cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9).  The practice of sodomy is therefore threatened of incurring eternal consequences, for there shall in no wise enter into heaven, any thing that defileth, or whatsoever worketh abomination (revelations 21:27).

5.  In order to fully appreciate the Biblical denunciation of the sin of Sodomy, it is necessary to read thereon, verbatim from its pages.  A few quotations are furnished as examples hereunder:

A.  “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination”  (Leviticus 18:22).

B.  “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them” (Leviticus 20:13).

C.  “And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.  And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them” (Leviticus 20:15-16).

D.  “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;—  for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, —  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Romans 1:18,26-29,32).

E.  “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Thus we have established with precision, the Biblical position on the sin of Sodomy, and this is the only prophetic voice in the world today, which has been consistently warning those committing this wickedness, of the impending wrath of God upon them.  Despite such a clarity in the Christian position on the matter, those engulfed by their antichristian bias, continue, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, to speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.


As a solution to the second difficulty, we will make reference to a couple of passages from the Bible, which are often twisted by the sodomites in the church, to justify their wickedness, as if they could force in to the mouth of God, words which He had never spoken, and that on the face of clear light from His Word, of His detestation of their damnable deeds. 1.  “I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women” (2 Samuel 1:26).

This verse in the Bible is a part of a heartrending elegy, sung by king David on the pathetic demise of Jonathan, his dearest and most loved friend.  Since Jonathan’s love for David is here expressed as passing the love of women, the sodomites who profess to be Christians, falsely infer a homosexual relationship between David and Jonathan, and then apply it as a precedence in favor of their wickedness, as if they could obtain impunity by imputing their wickedness upon men who have a pious record in the Bible.  Even if there should be found any truth in the charge they thus make against David and Jonathan (God forbid), such a line of defence would be no less ridiculous than to argue, that there is no sin in adultery since David committed adultery, that lying is not a sin any more, since Abraham lied, and that we may freely disobey God, since Moses himself disobeyed.  Those who would want a cloak for covering their conscience is most likely to find it in the misconduct of one or the other saint in the Bible because all saints are but flesh and blood.  Be that as it may, it shall now be our task to not only vindicate the purity of David’s relationship with Jonathan, but also to pull out the rug from beneath the Sodomite’s feet, upon which he stands with such a deceptive sense of impunity.

A.  The last phrase in the verse in question must be interpreted without alienating it from the verse.  David refers to Jonathan as “my brother”, at the beginning of the verse, and hence it indicates a filial relationship rather than an erotic love.

B.  Erotic love is not the only kind of love that subsists between a man and a woman.  It is ridiculous to so suppose.  Even without the additional bond contributed by sex, the love between a husband and a wife is stronger than any other bond of love.  Hence the figure chosen by David to describe Jonathan’s love for him is very apt.  All he meant was that his bond  of love with Jonathan was greater than what in general is considered to be the greatest bond of love.

C.  “My brother Jonathan” is the phrase in the verse that defines the nature of love between David and Jonathan.  The Phrase “passing the love of women” only serves to explain the degree of that love.  The latter phrase is clearly in a comparative usage and not in a descriptive form, as foolishly supposed by the sodomites.  

D.  The word of God itself testifies concerning David’s integrity, and says: “David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite” (1 Kings 15:5).  Had there been a homosexual relationship

between David and Jonathan, God would have added to the verse quoted above saying, “save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite, and in the matter of Jonathan the Benjamite”, since the God of the Bible detests sodomy, as already established in the first part of this article.

2.  “David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded”  (1 Samuel 20:41).

This verse is once again speaking of David and Jonathan.  The only act in the above verse that might have invited the attention of the Sodomites is the “kiss”.  The best way to deal with this supposition is to ask them how homosexuality and kiss can be synonymous.  Is there no place for kiss except in a sexual relationship?  It would be useful to point out here, that there are several kinds of kisses that the Bible recognizes.  A prophetic kiss (1 Samuel 10:1), a fatherly kiss, (2 Samuel 14:33), A kiss unto salvation (Psalms 2:12), A theological kiss (Psalms 85:10),  a kiss of commendation (Proverbs 24:26), A holy kiss (1 Corinthians 16:20),  etc, are some forms of kissing which the Bible speaks of in approbation.  By way of contrast, we are warned of an idolatrous kiss (1 Kings 29:18), a seductive kiss (Proverbs 7:13), a deceitful kiss (Proverbs 27:6), etc.  Since the nature of relationship between David and Jonathan was already confirmed in the previous instance, we know with certainty that it was a filial and a holy kiss with which they greeted each other, as they were about to part.  But a sodomite can see sodomy in every act, like the man with jaundice sees the whole world yellow.

3.  “And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me” (Ruth 1:16-17).

These words were spoken by Ruth to Naomi.  Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law, and on the demise of Ruth’s husband, Naomi insisted that Ruth should return to her mother’s house, and be remarried.  But Ruth was inclined to go with her mother-in-law, rather than to concede to her proposal.  Therefore the sodomites infer from hence, that Ruth and Naomi were lesbians.  But it would so appear only to the sodomites.  Others can clearly see that Ruth’s heart infact was inclined towards the God of Naomi, for she expressly said: “Thy God shall be my God”.  No one can  own the God of Israel, without submitting to His holy law, which among other things, forbids and curses sodomy.  Hence this is yet another calculated attempt by the sodomites to implicate perversion in to a pure relationship, and thereby to harden themselves in their own corruption.

There may be many more passages in the Bible which are twisted by the sodomites to their own advantage, but enough has been cited to demonstrate how they maliciously handle the word of God.  However, if there be any passage with which any of our readers would struggle along these lines, they may freely correspond with us thereon, and we shall be more than willing to clarify the right interpretation thereof, since we are persuaded that there is no instance whatsoever in the Bible, that is in favor of Sodomy, nor is there any saint in the Bible, who after his conversion, had ever committed this offense.

In closing this section,  we would like to remind our readers this solemn truth. He that made man at the beginning, made him male and female, and ordained the use of sex between their marital bond.  When ever the use of sex exceeded its ordained confinement, God reacted severely against it.  And remember that He is the same yesterday, today, and for evermore.  Remember that He ordained sex between Adam and Eve, and not between Adam and Steve, or between a madam and Eve.


Having established the Christian position against the offense of Sodomy, we shall now advance on to expound upon the unique contributions, which the Bible has made to the society, in dealing with this menace.  There are three basic observations we would make in this connection:

1.  The Bible as the only unambigous source of knowledge, that sodomy is a sin,

2.  The Bible as the only unambigous source of law against sodomy, and

3.  The Bible as the only source of reformation for those practicing sodomy.


God has given to every man the perception of right and wrong.  The Bible teaches that God has engraved the law upon man’s heart (Romans 2:14-15), by reason of which his conscience guides him by excusing, or else, accusing him in all his conduct.  Some have called this the light of nature, and others the law of nature, but the Bible teaches that this is the divine light given to every man to discern the right from wrong.  It must be observed however, that although this Divine light will leave every man without excuse, rendering them without the plea of ignorance, it is possible to put off a piercing conscience, and to silence its testimony.  It is possible to have the conscience seared with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4:2), and to even defile the conscience after one’s own corruption (Titus 1:15).  And man being inherently sinful, will always silence or corrupt his conscience, to live after his own lusts.  Therefore, God in His mercy, condescended to communicate the standards of that holiness which He demands, by reducing it to writing, so that even if the light of nature is rendered obscure by man’s corruption, the written law would continue to shine as in a dark place, upholding the Divine standards of righteousness.  This written revelation is the Bible.

We have pointed out in the second section to this article, that the Bible is the only prophetic voice in the world today, which has been consistently warning those committing this wickedness, of the impending wrath of God upon them.  We wish to substantiate this claim here.  The Bible indeed is the only source of knowledge that sodomy is an offense, a sin which provokes God, and calls down His wrath upon them that practice this abomination.  We insist that the Bible is the only source of this knowledge, because no other religious book in the world has the wherewithal to rob the Bible of this exclusive honour.  The following observations will help us understand this claim with sufficient clarity.

A.  The Qur’an:

The Qur’an is but a mishmash of information, collected from the Bible and other sources, twisted as per its author’s convenience, and arranged in a somewhat presentable form.  Any denunciation of sodomy in the Qur’an or in the “authentic” hadits, would then be sourced by the Bible, since the revelation of the Bible was complete, atleast 600 years before the advent of Islam.  Consider Surah 7:80-84, and compare it with the record in Genesis 19, t

o make for one such example.  Hence the Bible continues to be the exclusive source of prohibition and denunciation of Sodomy, and the Qur’an simply depends upon the Bible to witness against this sin.

B.  The Hindu Scriptures:

Except for a few verses in the Manusmrithi, which has minor punishments for Sodomy, we do not know if there is any prohibition against the sin of Sodomy in other books claimed to be the Hindu Scriptures.  But we do know that any such probable precept is rendered null and void by the very conduct of their gods.  For if Vishnu and Shiva are truly their gods, there is no precept for them than  the example set by these deities.  And there is a shameful instance of the birth of Hari-Hara-Putra, in their books, the birth of whom is attributed to the copulation between Shiva and Vishnu.  Should it be argued that this would not amount to Sodomy since Vishnu while committing this act had assumed a female incarnation as Mohini, we reply that such an incarnation is a mere transsexualization, and it would not therefore defy the definition of Sodomy, since Shiva copulated with Vishnu, no matter what adaptations of effeminacy, the latter may have made, under the guise of incarnation.  And if such be the conduct of their gods, how can they promulgate a law prohibiting their imitation by their devotees?  Would that not prove rank hypocrisy??  Or would they condemn themselves by such a promulgation, and exhort their people to live holier than they?  Can there be a better people than their god?  If so, why don’t the worshipers and the worshiped, switch places?  We leave these questions for the devotees of these gods to grapple with, but the instance shown above is sufficient to deprive the Hindu scriptures of any purity on the matter, not withstanding whatever it be that they may contain in them against sodomy, and they are robbed of any moral right or efficacy in instructing the world thereon.  Thus the Bible once again continues to be the exclusive source of the knowledge against sodomy, in all integrity and truth.

C.  The Greek Religious Sources:

In the renowned apology made by Theophilus to Autolycus, written during the second century, the former being a Christian, appeals to the latter, to consider the futility of his Grecian mystical and philosophical religions, and among other things made mention of as arguments against the Greek gods in this apology, it is categorically remarked that they are known for practicing sodomy  (Theophilus to Autolycus Book III, Chap. VI, the last paragraph).  The only two responses such Christian apologies met with were either in the conversion of the pagans to the truth taught in them, or in the persecution which the pagan world perpetrated against Christians, for their incapacity to answer these apologies.  Both responses attest alike to the veracity of what is contained in these apologies, and thus we may safely conclude that the Greek Gods and the gods of India, are all of one accord, in so far as sodomy is concerned.

D.  The instances such as the above, clearly bespeak of a human corrupt heart behind the invention of what the heathens worship and serve as their gods.  As rightly expressed by A.W.Pink in this connection: “He who resolveth not to be holy must seek another god to worship and serve, for with the God of Scripture he will never find acceptance. The heathen of old realized this, and liking Dot to retain the knowledge of the true God in their hearts and minds (Romans 1:28), and resolving to give up themselves unto all filthiness with greediness, they stifled their notions of the Divine Being and invented such “gods” to themselves, as were unclean and wicked, that they might freely conform unto and serve them with satisfaction. God Himself declares that men of corrupt lives have some secret hopes that He is not holy: “Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee” (Psalms 50:21)” (A.W.Pink, The Doctrine Of Sanctification).

E.  Every religion of the heathen-world, consists in certain ritualistic and ceremonial practices, which seldom have any thing to do with  the regulation of man’s character.  Even if their be found certain moral principles under any of their religions, such precepts will never transcend the realm of human corrupt manipulations, and would consequently remain a framework of a substandard ethics, when weighed in the balance of the holy Bible.  Whereas the Moral standards as set forth in the Bible transcends the scope of man’s imaginations, and the God revealed upon its pages far exceeds any possibility of human innovation.  Man does not make a religion which would condemn himself, nor will desire to be brought under subjection to a God that is an avowed antagonist to his corrupt inclinations.  But this is what is precisely contained in the Bible.  Hence the Bible could not have been given by some one who is a mere man, but by none less than the ruler and judge of all the earth, who has graciously condescended to reveal Himself, and His holy standards, upon its pages.  Now it goes without saying, that a religion not made by this God, demands allegiance in preference to Him, and no wonder if it evades, or ignores the prohibition, or permits, or even prescribes the practice, of an abomination which is forbidden under its rival religion, including sodomy.

F.  The Bible being the Word of God, testifies to the fact that all the nations, which were not the adherents of its religion, and upon whom the judgment of God was executed by the instrumentality of Israel (God’s Chosen Nation), were the impenitent perverts, who practiced all kinds of sexual immoralities including incest and sodomy (Leviticus 18).  Now the reason why God chose to deal in retribution against these nations than to reform them, is easy to rationalize.  They would not exchange their corrupt religion, for a pure and undefiled one.  And should it be argued that there were also sodomites in the land of Israel at a subsequent period, it should be recalled that such a degeneracy never occasioned until Israel turned to other gods, forsaking the one and only true God, the fountain of all righteousness.

Now upon the strength of the arguments presented above, we boldly claim that the Bible is the only source of knowledge to the world, that sodomy is an offence.  No other religion can take this honour to itself. And if this be the exclusive path of righteousness and truth, there is no hope for any one who would not turn to it, forsaking all ungodliness by the standards of the Bible, whether it be sodomy or ought else.


The preceding point argues for the present. For where there is no knowledge of right and wrong, there cannot be a valid law forbidding that which is wrong. The source of such a law would then be the only justified claimant as the source of Law. Since we have already established that the Bible is the only source of knowledge that Sodomy is a sin, the proposition now made, that the Bible is the exclusive source of the law against sodomy, does not call for making. Nor does this argument stand alone in bolstering such a conclusion. Only let the pages of history be perused, let the laws of the ancient civilizations not influenced by the Gospel be scrutinized, let the numerous religions of the pagan world be diligently studied, and let the conduct of many a king and of many a

god of the heathen be carefully considered, and what an abundance of evidence would there be furnished, not only of the conspicuous absence of any law against sodomy, but also of its avowed practice.

A. The biographies of almost all the Roman Caesars, is tainted by their effeminacy, and of the most infamous perversions they practiced. If such are the law makers, such will be their laws also.

B. The libraries of the “wise” ancient Grecians were filled with the writings of Epicurius, the stoics, and such other philosophers, advocating and teaching incest and sodomy, so that a boy even from the age of seven was taught and was subjected to the latter monstrosity. Note, that philosophy is the sole repository of Grecian “wisdom”, and the philosophers are its source. Now if their wisdom consisted in such a folly, how great is that folly! If the light which was in them were darkness, how great is that darkness. It would then be futile to look for a law in all of their legislation’s, which would not only transcend their wisdom, but would also forbid its fruit. No wonder, that we read of the army of alexander being composed of sodomites, a factor, which according to some historians, served the most in maintaining the bond of unity amongst them.

C. We have already established in the previous section, that any efficacious law against sodomy would be an impossibility under the ancient Hindu states, owing to the perverse practices of none less than their very gods.

D. Such being the case with the civilized Romans, the wise Grecians, and the ritualistic Hindus, what shall we say concerning the dark continent, the barbaric nations, and the savage tribals, who neither were wise, nor civilized, nor yet ritualistic, but were subjected to the untold ravages of an unfettered anarchy? Verily, they had no knowledge, nor law, nor any restraint upon their depravity and their potential corruptions and perversions of any sort.     

E. The nations of the pre-gospel-economy, may not have been uniform in the extent to which sodomy was entrenched in their societies, since the degree to which the light of nature was discarded or obscured may have varied from culture to culture. But where perversion prevailed over the light of nature, as it often did as history confirms, there was nothing in the heathen world to testify to the doom to which the nations have subjected themselves, much less to restrain or to dissuade them from their perversity.

F. When the call of the Gospel went out in to the world, threatening the wrath of God, and calling for repentance, presenting the life-transforming faith in Jesus Christ unto them that were lost in the impenetrable darkness of ignorance, there was a great enlightenment concerning the moral values, which came by a realization of God’s holy standards as set forth in the Bible. This effected a radical reformation in those societies which embraced the Gospel, and this gave birth to such a way of life among them as may uphold and preserve the standards which the Bible demands of a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, a Peculiar People, consecrated unto the Lord, cleansed of all unrighteousness, and from all pagan corruptions and perversions. This moral revolution among other things provided for the necessary penal laws in eradicating sodomy, and punishing those practicing it.

G. Such a blessing was not confined to the Christian domains, but also availed to those nations which were partially influenced by its message, such as the nations under the papal control, or in the Islamic states. Thus by the medieval age, almost all the civilized nations began to recognize such statutory prohibitions against the offense of sodomy, as may drastically punish those practicing this offence.

H. At the dawn of the modern era, the imperialistic zeal of the British proved to be a blessing in disguise to many countries in the world, in as much as it gave way to a legal system influenced by the Gospel in to all their colonies, as touching all matters both civil and criminal. Take India for an example, which for the first time under the British rule was afforded with the privilege of a codified system of law. In the year 1860, India was gifted with a code of criminal substantive laws, clearly defining various offenses, and prescribing various punishments upon the delinquents. This code, among various other Biblical features imbibed in it, recognized sodomy as an offense punishable under law (Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860). Such an offense as this is rightly designated by this code as an unnatural offense, as it is contrary to the very order of nature in which God created man, and ordained the use of sex amongst the human race. To violate nature therefore is to violate the ordinance of God Himself who order the course of nature, as may be constructed from the expression “unnatural”.

I. The Indian Penal Code is just one among many such examples in the world. By the end of the 19th century, there was hardly any civilized nation which did not have penal laws against the offense of sodomy, and it generally came to be recognized as an unnatural offense, and realized the inherent stigma and shame attached to it. What the nations do not realize however,, is their indebtedness to the Bible for such an invaluable contribution in moralizing them. But their ingratitude does not invalidate their indebtedness.

J. The moral degeneracy as witnessed as a somewhat recent development in the west, also stands as an evidence in substantiating the role of the Bible in preserving the moral values and standards in the society. As long as the legal system contributed by the Bible as shown above received an unquestioned adherence, sodomy and fornication of all kinds were effectively checked. The moment the Bible began to be discarded in preference to liberalistic and rationalistic thoughts, the very foundations of a morally sound legal system were removed, and the nations now are in the verge of sinking in to their former estate from which they were reformed. The compulsory instruction of ten commandments in the schools were abolished in the United States of America, from the year 1962, as a part of the secularistic pattern of the constitution, and precisely from this time on, statistics prove a degeneracy in the moral character of most of the teens in that country. There was an increased and unchecked rate of premarital abortions, and all forms of perversions witnessed among them in a manner as never before. This is just one such example of what has happened to those nations which once stood for Christian reformation, and served as a Christian witness to the world. Almost all of them are now in the verge of legalizing homosexuality and gay-marriages, the vary acts which were once so odious to them under the influence of the Gospel, that they called for punishments in their states, excommunication in their churches, and ostracism in their societies, upon them that were such. But it is quite the opposite now, since the rejection of the Bible by these societies. As some one has rightly remarked, if God will not judge these nations for having occasioned blasphemy against is name among the heathens, He will have to rise up Sodom and Gomorrah, and apologise to them.

Thus we have briefly explained the proposition, that the Bible is the only source of the law against sodomy. The ancient civilizations under the pre-gospel-economy, had nothing of the like in them in restraining sodomy, as was found in those nations influenced by the Bible under the Church age, and now as the world is quickly on the verge of sinking in to the hopeless darkness of a post-Christian-era, by a rejection of God’s word in preference to the human philosophies, doctrines and theories, they are beginning to exhibit the same perversions of their predecessors, who had no knowledge of the Bible. No sooner does the sun set, than that which its dawning had vanquished, begins to reign.



What we mean here by reformation as a far greater deal than what that expression connotes in common usage. We do not by reformation mean an external purification of conduct, but we mean the very transformation of man’s heart. What is needed here is not the chopping off of the tree, but of rooting it up.  Many of our medical scientists are engaged in a futile process of investigation to discover the scientific cause of sodomy, so as to find a possible cure for it, which in their opinion is a disease.  While some have attributed it to certain genetic disorders, others have ascribed it to certain psychological derangements. There are scientific and logical arguments which convincingly overthrows all such suppositions, as may be gathered from a treatise on this same subject by mr. George Antony Paul. It would suffice here to remark, that the Bible has a consistent record throughout its history, of having liberated men from the corruption of sodomy, and such other perversions, which stands as an incontrovertible testimony to its power as an antidote against such corruptions. This should at once signify that the diagnosis of the Bible is the most dependable one in ascertaining the cause of such corruptions, or how can it cure what it cannot detect?

The Bible teaches consistently that the heart of man as the source of all evil. Therefore it prescribes the treatment of the heart and not of the genes or of the mind.  Consider what the Master said in this connection:  “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications,” etc, (Mark 7:21).  Now “fornication” is distinguished from “adultery” in the above citation, for obvious reasons.  While adultery consists in the violation of marital purity, fornication includes all acts which pervert the natural use of sex.  Jesus declares that fornication, one of the species of which is sodomy, proceeds from a man’s heart.  It is needless to mention that the “heart” in this context has nothing to do with that organ in the human body which pumps blood in to the system.  It instead has reference to that faculty in a man which forms his thoughts, activates his will, and directs all his conduct.  It is the very nature of a man that is here in view, which acts as the most powerful influence in framing his thoughts and actions.  The Bible teaches, that a man’s inclinations are by nature against the law of God (Romans 8:7), and therefore it is called the enemy of God.

The cause of the universal reign of this sinful nature upon mankind, is traced back to the alienation of our first parents from God, subjecting all their posterity with them, to this doomed estate.  Now it is not just the gene, or the psychology, but the entire being of a man is subservient to this sinful nature.  And this is the state of mankind universally, and not just with the sodomites.  Sodomy is just one of the many manifestations of the corrupt and sinful nature of man.  Such a sinful nature is evident in every man, if not in one form, then in another. “For of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage” (2 Peter 2:19), and any form of evil by which he is overcomed renders him a bondservant to sin (John 8:34).  The Bible teaches that  all of mankind, without exception or distinction, are subject to this sinful nature (Romans 3:10-23).

Now “At what point does a person become this  wicked sinner?. Is he born this way or does he learn it? Are babies born  innocent and do they reach an “age of accountability” when they must take  responsibility for their actions?  Much to most people’s surprise, the Bible claims that humans are born with these  evil tendencies. They are not culturally inherited or learned. The evil imagination  is intact and operative even before birth.  ‘Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother  conceive me’ (Psalm 51:5).  ‘The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as  soon as they be born, speaking lies’ (Psalm 58:3).  This estrangement from God begins at conception.

 The sins of the fathers are  passed down to the sons and daughters by the blood of the parents. Children are  guilty and come forth from the womb speaking lies, proving their sinfulness.  ‘This is an evil among all things that are done under the  sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men  is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that  they go to the dead’ (Ecclesiastes 9:3).  Sin hits at the very core of our personalities and character. Sin does not begin  with an external action, such as drunkenness, sexual misconduct, murder, or the  like. Sin begins in our hearts and those deeds are simply the manifestation of  the rebellion that already thrives within.  We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners” (Jim Mc Larty).

Hence sodomy is one of the many ways in which this sinful nature of a man is made manifest, and it is a sure indication like any other form of wickedness, that the one committing it is in a natural state of enmity against God.  He may claim as vehemently as he may, that he believes in Christ, and that he does several good works, but none of it would avail in defending him from the vengeance which God has vowed against all His enemies, yea all of them who deny Him in their deeds.  The scripture warns, that there shall not in any wise enter in to God’s holy and eternal dwelling, any thing that would defile or work abomination (revelations 21:27).

A sodomite can then be sure of an eternal estrangement from God, for of Him it is expressly declared so (1 Corinthians 6:9).  You may have heard this so often, and so it may cause you to shrink from it with a sense of familiarity to it, but hear it one more time.  Jesus is coming soon, and He is coming to judge the world, and to assign to each man his eternal abode.  You may have not been ashamed of your sinful deeds until then, but on that day you will have some shame.  You may have not been moved with the magnanimity of His wrath, and of His furious judgement which shall devour all His enemies, but on that day you will.  That is the day when wisdom shall mock you (Proverbs 1:24-28), since you paid no heed to her reproofs.  In you will this saying be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord, “You shall seek me and not find”. 

Woe unto you who persist in sodomy, who having known the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death eternal, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.  “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy” (Proverbs 29:1).  But if you have read thus far, why not take pains to read the rest of it?  Who can say if God perhaps would condescend to speak peace to your soul.

If the Bible were a mere source of denunciation against the sin of sodomy, its precepts would have a mere precautionary value against such a sin

, and would not afford any prospects of reforming those who are already ensnared by it.  But Jesus removed all uncertainty as to this matter when He expressly declared, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.  But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Matthew 9:12-13).  And this is the primary intent of this article, to make known to you this physician who can deliver you from the bondage of sodomy.

He did not come to call the selfrighteous, but to show mercy in granting forgiveness and deliverence to those who ernestly desire it of Him.  Jesus said, “Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast off” (John 6:37).  A broken heart and a contrite spirit the Lord will not despise (Psalms 34:18, Isaiah 66:2).  He that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh his sin, shall obtain mercy (Proverbs 28:13). He that has declared sodomy to be a sin, and has sworn His fierce judgment upon them that commit it, has also promised His pardon for those who would forsake their sin and turn to Him in repentence.  “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7).

We have pointed out at the beginning of this section, that the heart of man is what needs to be treated to cure sodomy.  This divine physician who promises to pardon every one who turns to Him in contrition, has also undertaken to perform for them this heart transplantation.  “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.  And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them” (Ezekiel 36:26).  Only turn to Him in simple childlike faith, for faithful is He that has promised. 

Today if you hear His voice harden not your heart.  Lay down your wepons of warfair against Him at His feet, and submit to His Lordship.  He is able to do for you what He has done for many sodomites in the past.  After having declared that the homosexuals will not enter in to God’s kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10),  in the very next verse the Holy Spirit most graciously adds, “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God (Verse 11).  Now this was written to assure that there is hope for the sinner who turns to Him for pardon and a new life, even if he were a sodomite.  Oh if you value your soul, dismiss it not lightly.  Even now the sword of Divine Justice is drawn, and it only wais to strike that fatal blow, and None shall escape save those who have obtained reconciliation with God in Jesus Christ.  How can you escape if you ignore so great a salvation? 

 We have claimed at the outset that Christianity is the only source of such a reformation for those practicing sodomy.  It is not at all difficult to substantiate this claim.  For it is common knowledge, that only He can forgive sins against whom it is committed, and it is committed primarily against the one who prohibits its commission.  And since we have established in the forgone sections that the God of the Bible is the exclusive source of the law against Sodomy, only He can pardon its violation.  Besides, it goes without saying, that the one claiming to be the source of pardon, reformation and regeneration to sinners, must Himself be without sin or blemish, and must have an uninterrupted record of an untainted holiness.  There is no other God than the God of the Bible who can make such a claim with propriety. We have already established this claim in some of the foregone observations in this article. And who can declare with confidence as He does, saying: “There is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.  Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:21-22).  Depend if you will, upon balms which afford deceptive respites for a season, but nothing can remove the guilt of your past save Jesus Christ.  Your alternatives prefered to christ, will all be stripped bare before you at His appearing, making a mockery of your confidence in them, but it will be too late then for all regrets.  Oh dismiss it not lightly, considering your eternity which is at stake.  You have no assurance of pardon and reformation, save in Jesus Christ.  “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
