Harry 2 Fantasy and magic are part of the Children’s stories. But making magician the hero, magic the central theme, and mocking those who do not practice magic are anti-Christian. Also, though magic is different from witchcraft, magic of Harry Potter is essentially agnostic and therefore should be rejected. Read some of the objections against the Harry Potter. You can add more.

Mocking those who do not practice magic:

 Excerpts from World Net Daily (Harry Potter and anti-Christian bigotry by Linda Harvey 

Kids read a story and figure out right off who the heroes are, and who the villains. In the Potter tales, there are several types of villains: the "dark magic" Lord Voldemort and his ilk; the mean teen wizard group at the Hogwart's school; and then there's a group we might call the fools. In Harry's world, they're called "Muggles."  

These residents of the conventional "non-magic" world are portrayed as clueless at best, sometimes harmless, but mostly obstacles to progress. Enlightened witches and wizards have to work around their ignorance in the government and in everyday life. Only occasionally do the wizards pull back the curtain to reveal to Muggles what's really going on, and it's usually more than these one-dimensional creatures can handle. Denial is one response; dying of fright is another.  At times, though, Muggles blossom into full-blown bigots and bullies. Harry's relatives are depicted in this way. His Uncle Vernon Dursley is a "big, beefy man with hardly any neck" (page1, "Sorcerer's Stone") who "didn't approve of imagination" (page 5). Because he is so ferociously "anti-magic," Uncle Vernon's worst fear is that someone will find out Harry's a wizard.  

In fact, Uncle Vernon's attitude toward Harry is classic bigotry:  "Now, you listen here, boy," he snarled. "I accept there's something strange about you, probably nothing a good beating wouldn't have cured. …" (page 56, "Sorcerer's Stone") The message that screams from these pages for children to absorb is that these despicable people who object to "magic" are worthy of the worst scorn. And that's mostly what they receive throughout the Potter books.  Our children quickly figure out that Muggles equate to traditional conservatives. And who are the most fervently "anti-magic" in real-world America? Christians. If kids don't get this right off, the mainstream media's frequent, negative caricatures of Christians will connect the dots for them. Might this be one more clue to explain the rise in virulent anti-Christian sentiment in recent years?  

In the Potter books, it's OK to hold such people in thorough contempt and sometimes openly mock them. Harry's school nemesis, wizard Draco Malfoy, shows undisguised bias against Muggles or those with mixed Muggle and wizard "blood," and his nasty attitude is politically incorrect by the school's standards. But Malfoy just expresses what the others secretly think. Continue reading.


Excerpts from the Straight Talk on Harry Potter by William J. Schnoebelen 

Magic a central theme

To be sure, magic is a common feature in fairy tales and fantasy. But whether you are talking about Grimm’s Fairy Tales (some of which WERE awfully grim), the WIZARD OF OZ, or other common stories, there is a difference. Usually the magicians and wizards were secondary characters or even villains and the main ones (Dorothy, Snow White, etc.) were ordinary mortals who were either being victimized or helped by witches. But Harry is the hero, and readers are being asked to identify with him. 

Magic is different from witchcraft: But it is not acceptable The difference between magic and witchcraft, magic is essentially agnostic. The true goal of every wizard is to become his own god. There is no room in world-view of a sorcerer for a sovereign God. This magic world-view[14] sees the universe as a machine that dispenses favors to magicians in response to their performing the right ritual. 

It is opposed to the Biblical world-view in which there is an all-powerful, sovereign God that we cannot manipulate with charms. This God is a Person, not a machine or an impersonal force. In the Biblical world-view, we pray to God and if He feels our request is in His will, then he grants it. Continue reading.

