The below videos are refutations of MM Akbar’s program; Niche of Truth attempted to refute this program in another program led by Muhammad Ali Master; then Niche of Truth conducted a second rebuttal program for this same program. Ironically enough, after two rebuttals with over four speakers, they still could not touch even the main points in the program. All the below videos are in Malayalam




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Surah 37:68 Quranic Blunders – Mujahid Moulvai Akbar refuted by Bro Jerry Thomas

Quran gets the name of Jesus wrong – Moulvai Akbar refuted by Bro Jerry Thomas Malayalam

Quran Gets the Name of Prophets Wrong or Without Meaning KNM Moulvai Akbar refuted by Bro Jerry Malayalam

Emptiness of Quran on Christ and Prophets Mujahid Moulvai Akbar refuted by Bro Jerry Malayalam

Missing Verses & Chapters in Quran Impacting Doctrines –
Mujahid Moulvai Akbar refuted by Bro Jerry

Morality of Quran Vs the Holy Bible and Q&A Malayalam

Whom Did Lord Jesus Christ Promise… Holy Spirit or Muhammad – Moulvai Akbar Refuted

Is The Holy Bible Corrupted Mujahid Moulvai Akbar Refuted by Bro Jerry Thomas Malayalam

Gospel Presentation by Bro Ziyad