
Sakshi Apologetics Network presents its next in series programme: Yoga – Fiction to Fact / Oh God, Atheism!!.

Coming up, Dec 10, 2016… don’t miss it!

The State government has issued circulars to make Yoga mandatory in schools. Are you given two contradicting views on Yoga whether it is against the Bible OR is Yoga really very ancient and filled with health benefits? Many well meaning Christians are in a dilemma over this.

With this increasingly connected world, Atheism is almost fashionable with more and more youth leaving Christ or becoming nominal Christians with questions such as “If God created you then who created God” OR “Science has totally disproved God” OR “If there is God then why is there so much evil in the world”. Often the youth are shaken to the core by such claims of atheists.

Is it not our duty to provide them the best of the scientific resources to intellectually defend our faith and spiritually grow? Come December 10, 2016, these two topics will be addressed by Sakshi Apologetics Network.

Time: 6:00 p.m. Entry FREE!!
Topics and Speakers:
1. Yoga : Fiction to Fact by Bro. Jerry Thomas
2. Oh God, Atheism by Bro. Narendra Sahoo
Venue: Mayors’ Hall, Juhu Lane, Andheri West
(Besides BMW Showroom)